Travel Club

十大赌博正规老平台的学生从踏入校园的第一刻起就知道, our world is wondrous. 当我们努力更好地理解和欣赏我们的星球和它的人民, travel is the ultimate, lifelong educator. 加入校友,家长,朋友和我们的大学主持人探索世界的一部分 University of Rochester Travel Club!

Egypt and the Eternal Nile

February 28 – March 14, 2025

Pharoah structure with great pyramid in background

Accompanied by an expert Egyptian guide, 从开罗和大金字塔到阿布辛贝神庙和尼罗河上游,在纳赛尔湖进行一次迷人的游船之旅. 客人还将体验沿着尼罗河下游从阿斯旺到卢克索的航行,返回开罗.

Activity Level: Moderate (3/5) – This program offers a variety of activities, including walking 2-4 miles per day, often uphill and on uneven terrain, especially at archaeological sites; several early morning departures; occasional long walks from motorcoach drop-off to sights; embarkation/disembarkation from multiple boats; optional Petra Extension: two-mile round-trip walk from hotel to Treasury site.

Southwest National Parks

May 28 – June 5, 2025

the grand canyon

与我们一起踏上美国西南部令人敬畏的旅程, 揭开隐藏在我们珍贵的国家公园里迷人的地质奇迹. Traverse the timeless landscapes of the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, and Zion, 那里的侵蚀在西南高原上蚀刻了一道非凡的挂毯. Delve into a world where hoodoos, slot canyons, arches, buttes, 台地延伸到地平线上,展示了大自然的惊人艺术.

Activity Level: Mild-Moderate (3/5) -客人应该能够以适度的速度享受一英里的户外散步, be sure-footed on uneven ground, get in and out of a motor coach, and manage stairs without assistance.

Alpine Splendor: Switzerland and Austria

July 7-20, 2025

A little hut with a mountainous background

当我们发现山村和欧洲城市时,高耸的阿尔卑斯山山峰作为令人惊叹的背景, ride the Glacier Express, cruise on glassine lakes, and ascend snowcapped summits. Borders disappear and the region’s history and beauty enchant all.

Activity Level: Mild-Moderate (3/5) – Guests should be able to walk 2-4 miles per day, often on uneven terrain in natural settings, experience high elevations on excursions, 并且可以舒适地使用多种交通工具进行几天的长途旅行.

Treasures of Peru

August 25 – September 4, 2025


A land of treasures archaeological, cultural, and natural, 秘鲁吸引了那些渴望了解遥远的过去的人,并遇到了一个迷人的现在. Take in some of the country’s highlights – Cuzco, Machu Picchu, and Lake Titicaca, and marvel at the riches of Peru.

Activity Level: Moderate-Active (4/5) – This trip involves substantial walking most days, up to 4-6 miles, including 1-3 miles at one time, often on uneven terrain. There are many stairs throughout the tours, often 100+ at one time (Ollantaytambo, Machu Picchu), 马丘比丘普韦布洛Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel好吗. 客人必须舒适的高海拔和漫长的一天通过长途汽车从库斯科到普诺旅行.

Paris featuring the African American Experience

October 18 – 26, 2025

Eiffle tower with trees, and street in foreground

In the years following World War I, Paris transformed into a hub of cultural and artistic brilliance, 成为非洲裔美国人寻求无与伦比的自由和机会的避难所. 沉浸在精心策划的游览中,揭示充满活力的爵士乐场景, iconic art, and rich cultural tapestry shaped by African American expatriates. 这个精心设计的项目邀请您探索历史街区, savor celebrated cuisine, 并庆祝非裔美国名人在世界上最耀眼的城市之一的卓越贡献和持久影响! 在我们庆祝黑人校友网络成立五周年之际,请与我们一起踏上这段特殊的旅程!

Activity Level: Moderate (3/5) -这一活动计划是为身体健康、能够轻松参加高要求的日常体育活动的人设计的. The itinerary may feature full days of ongoing activities. 这个项目的短途旅行需要步行距离达3英里, walking on cobblestones, unpaved paths, uneven surfaces, and getting on/off motor coaches, boats, and trains. 根据游览的不同,可能会有更悠闲的选择.



We welcome anyone interested in traveling with us, not just alumni! While most travelers are alumni, many are friends of the University, faculty/staff, parents, and guests.

How do I make a trip reservation?

联系旅行页面注册链接上列出的旅游公司. 请记得通知旅游公司你是十大赌博正规老平台旅游俱乐部的成员.

Southwest National Parks: Orbridge (866) 639-0079
Paris: AHI Travel (800) 323-7373
Egypt, Alpine Splendor, Peru: Odysseys Unlimited (888) 370-6765

What if there is a wait list?

我们建议您将您的名字添加到等待名单-取消发生! 要将您的名字添加到列表中,请遵循旅游预订流程.

How do I cancel my reservation?

如欲取消预订,请直接与旅行社联系. The tour operator will confirm your cancellation, process your refund if there is one due to you, and notify the UR Travel Club.

What is included in the price?

Trip prices are per person, usually based on double occupancy. 机票有时包括在内,并在旅游价目表中注明. Single supplements may apply for single travelers. 许多旅游价格包括部分或全部必要的小费和行李处理费用, 但在预订时,一定要检查旅行社提供的材料和条款.

Do I need travel insurance?

我们强烈建议所有参加者购买旅游保险,以确保在生病时得到保障, injury, medical evacuation, delay, or unforeseen emergency. 为了方便起见,十大赌博正规老平台与迈耶大学有合作关系 & Associates to provide travel insurance to our travelers. 通过迈耶了解更多个人保护计划和旅行医疗保险 & Associates before you take your next trip with us, or on your own. After making a reservation for a trip, 您将收到保险信息和您的确认材料. 请注意,旅行保险对所有十大赌博正规老平台社区成员开放,包括校友, parents, faculty/staff, and friends.

What is the typical tour group size?

This varies based on the tour’s abilities and requirements. 大多数旅行团的人数上限为20-24人,还有一些针对小团体的特别旅行团.

What are the physical requirements for trips?

UR旅游俱乐部旅行是为身体健康的人设计的,他们愿意作为团体的一部分参加体育活动. 我们访问的许多网站对行动不便的人的访问非常有限. 每个旅游网页都包含活动级别和无障碍信息.

Will we have free time within the itinerary?

我们安排的旅游行程都是紧凑的团体体验行程, with some free time to explore the area on your own, or to rest in your accommodations. 导游员和当地导游通常会提供吃饭或观光的地方建议.


请联系Rebecca Picone,终身学习的副主任 & Career Services at

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