

每天超过10次,000年司机, 数百辆公共汽车, 数十辆施工车辆, 成千上万的骑行者, 和30,000年行人, 溜旱冰去, skateboarders and other wheeled vehicles converge on our campus. 近年来, there has been a steady increase in traffic and pedestrian congestion on campus due, 在某种程度上, to efforts toward alternative personal transportation, 还有很多建设项目. There have been several efforts in increase safety on campus such as:

  • Signage and barrels with “State law. Stop for pedestrians in crosswalk” at key locations around campus and installation of bright yellow fluorescent crosswalk signs to alert motorists and 骑自行车的人s that they are approaching a crosswalk.
  • Cycling skills and safety courses are offered to 骑自行车的人s by the Transportation and Parking Department. More information regarding these classes can be found here: DTPM骑自行车.
  • Safe Ride 首页 offers undergraduate students safe and reliable transportation between River Campus properties and residence halls. The 15-passenger van operates after bus hours and can usually arrive within minutes. You can be picked up and dropped off at any one of the seven designated locations.

Your awareness of your rights and responsibilities as a pedestrian, 骑自行车的人, 或者驾驶者是非常重要的.

For your own safety and that of others, please familiarize yourself with all local and state vehicle and traffic regulations, 并遵循以下建议:


  • 在校园里以安全的速度开车
  • Yield the right of way to pedestrians in a crosswalk.
  • Yield the right of way to 骑自行车的人s.
  • Be alert for people acting unpredictably, crossing at non-crosswalk locations.
  • Pay particular attention when approaching buses unloading passengers; pedestrians often cross in front of the bus, 尤其是在人行横道上.


  • Cross at a marked crosswalk or intersection; if you are not in a crosswalk, 车辆有先行权.
  • Be sure vehicles have time to yield before you step into a crosswalk.
  • Make eye contact with motorists to be sure they know you intend to cross.
  • If there are no sidewalks along a roadway, state law requires that you walk in the direction facing traffic, 越左越实际.
  • Although you may have the right of way, ultimately your life may depend on you being alert and erring on the side of safety.
  • Wear bright and/or reflective clothing if you must walk along the roadway for any length of time.


  • Bicycles and 溜旱冰去 are allowed anywhere motor vehicle travel is permitted. The same rules of the road that apply to motorists apply to these modes of transportation.
  • 总是给行人让路.
  • Travel in the street or on paths clearly marked (with white symbols) as bike lanes. When you travel on a shared path, ride slowly, yielding the right of way to pedestrians. If a sidewalk or path is indicated as a dismount area or not marked at all, you must dismount.
  • When traveling in hours of darkness, a head and taillight are required by law. Wear bright and/or reflective clothing, both day and night.
  • It is illegal to wear more than one earphone attached to an audio device while riding

Skateboards, Scooters and wheeled vehicles other than bicycles

  • Skateboarders and scooters are regulated by New York State traffic laws and are allowed on roadways when obeying the law.
  • 总是给行人让路.
  • Reflective clothing must be worn when riding during the hours between sunset and sunrise.
  • Tricks and stunts are prohibited on university property.
  • Skateboards and scooters are not permitted on ramps, stairs, handrails, or inside buildings
  • It is illegal to wear more than one earphone attached to an audio device while riding.

Distracted Driving, Talking and Texting

New York prohibits all drivers from using portable electronic devices. Illegal activity includes holding a portable electronic device and:

  • Talking on a handheld mobile telephone
  • 作曲, 发送, 阅读, 访问, 浏览, 传输, 储蓄, or retrieving electronic data such as e-mail, 短信, 或网页
  • Viewing, taking, or 传输 images
  • 玩游戏

The law defines the following terms as:

a) 便携式电子设备 shall mean any hand-held mobile telephone, as defined by subdivision one of section twelve hundred twenty-five-c of this article, 个人数码助理(PDA), handheld device with mobile data access, 笔记本电脑, 寻呼机, broadband personal communication device, 双向消息装置, 电子游戏, 或者便携式计算设备.

b) “使用” shall mean holding a portable electronic device while 查看, 拍摄或传送图像, 玩游戏, 或作曲, 发送, 阅读, 查看, 访问, 浏览, 传输, 保存或检索电子邮件, 短信, 或其他电子数据.

Buckle Up NY – Seat Belts/Restraint Systems and Airbags


  • All motor vehicle front seat occupants regardless of age must use appropriate restraints.  The driver is responsible for all front seat passengers under age 16.
  • All rear seat passengers under age 16 must use appropriate restraints.
  • All children under 4 years old must be restrained in a federally approved child safety seat.
  • 4岁儿童, 5, 6 and 7 must be properly restrained in an appropriate child restraint system, one that meets the child’s height and weight recommendations according to the child restraint manufacturer. The vehicles safety belt is NOT a child restraint system.
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