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Eastman Well-Being

The Health Promotion Office supports the unique needs of the undergraduate and graduate students on the Eastman School of Music campus. We collaborate with Eastman Performing Arts Medicine Center to provide customized well-being programs and injury prevention initiatives for Eastman students on topics such as hearing conservation, practice room warm-ups, proper ergonomics, 还有音乐家的瑜伽和冥想. 这个网页作为所有计划的资源中心, programs, 以及支持伊士曼学生福利的服务.

Injury Prevention

Ergonomics Training Intensive

The Ergonomics Training Intensive (ETI) is a four-session program with the goal of training students to employ healthy practice strategies. Students will perform movement, postural, and ergonomics screenings on themselves and their peers and develop instrument-specific correction methods. 通过提高对21世纪音乐家相关问题的认识, the Ergonomics Training Intensive provides performance enhancement strategies as well as concepts for increasing career longevity.

This intensive runs once per semester and is taught in-person by UHS Physical Therapist Sue Callan-Harris and HPO Prevention Coordinator Jack Earnhart. 在2024年秋季学期,它将在周三晚上7:00 - 8:00提供, September 18th to October 9th. 报名将通过电子邮件发送给Jack Earnhart. 成功完成所有课程的学员将获得结业证书, free ETI apparel, and CV credit.

Students who complete the Ergonomics Training Intensive will be recognized as Wellness Ambassadors, 并且能够为他们的同龄人提供符合人体工程学的筛查和调整.

Performance Ergonomics Laboratory

性能人体工程学实验室(PEL)参与了咨询, prototyping, design, 为音乐家定制符合人体工程学和适应性的设备. The lab is located in the University Health Service Physical Therapy Office in the Student Living Center. It contains structured light scanning, 加上加法和减法机械,即使是最复杂的要求也能实现. PEL也是伊士曼人体工程学借阅图书馆的所在地.

Ergonomics Lending Library

人体工程学借阅图书馆设在性能人体工程学实验室, and consists of stock ergonomics devices for musicians at Eastman to test before making a purchase. 如需试用设备,请联系Jack Earnhart.

Studio Visits

A critical element of performance translational research is ‘teaching future teachers to teach themselves’. 我们的目标是将性能提升从诊所扩展到音乐厅.

The UHS Physical Therapist and HPO Prevention Coordinator will be offering ten studio class visits, per semester, to interested parties. 每节课将包括以下内容:

  • Guidelines for clinically-informed practice strategies including use of the Performance Progression App.
  • 人体工程学筛选和特定仪器校正方法.
  • 表演艺术医学和音乐家健康教育.
  • Instrument-specific warm up and cool down.
  • 与亚历山大技术专家或物理治疗师进行会话.
  • 听力保护教育与资源.
  • 持续支持学生在你的工作室.

有兴趣的老师可以预约杰克·恩哈特的工作室课程. 名额非常有限,将以先到先得的方式填满.

Colloquium Visits

The UHS Physical Therapist and HPO Prevention Coordinator will be offering two undergraduate colloquium sessions entirely to performing arts health and wellness.


  • Guidelines for clinically-informed practice strategies including use of the Performance Progression App.
  • 人体工程学筛选和特定仪器校正方法.
  • 表演艺术医学和音乐家健康教育.
  • Instrument-specific warm up and cool down.
  • 听力保护教育与资源.
  • 持续支持学生在你的工作室.
  • 演讲嘉宾Jennifer Miceli,博士,注册健康教练(9月)

Performance Progressions Guidelines App

With University Health Service IT, the Performance Progression Guidelines App has been added to the EH page on the University Health Service website. Introduced at the Performing Arts Medicine Association World Symposium in London this summer, 该应用程序为表演者提供有价值的练习指南反馈.

Adaptive Keyboard

Endorsed by world-renowned pianists, UHS Physical Therapy and ESM have collaborated to bring an adaptive keyboard to the Eastman School. 这个键盘有修改过的手跨度选项, which encourages ergonomic ease and may increase muscular endurance – allowing students the ability to practice more comfortably. The HPO will provide access to guidelines for the adaptive keyboard use and hand health strategies.

Wellness Programming

Hearing Health

As musicians, students are frequently subjected to loud sound for an extended period of time. 我们提倡积极和安全的听力健康做法, 包括听力检查和使用耳塞.

为ESM社区成员(学生)提供定期和免费的听力筛查, faculty, and staff). Appointments take 10-15 minutes, are confidential, and results are shared immediately afterward. Upcoming dates to be announced.

所有伊士曼学生都可以免费获得高保真度耳塞.  练习时经常使用高保真度耳塞, performing and listening to music may protect you from the cumulative effects of overexposure to loud sounds throughout your life (Etymotic Research).  请到学生生活办公室领取免费套装!

Paws for Stress Relief

Come pet the pups! Paws for Stress Relief将治疗犬带到校园,让学生们花点时间和它们在一起. 这个每月一次的活动在每周四下午6点到7点15分举行.m. at Eastman School of Music. 健康促进办公室还提供教育信息, fun activities, 还有一些缓解压力的赠品,比如薰衣草香袋或压力球.

Promotion of Physical Fitness

This year, additional emphasis will be placed on promoting physical fitness to Eastman students. Through a collaborative effort between the Eastman School of Music and the YMCA at Innovation Square, 学生可以花35美元购买折扣会员. Less than a five-minute walk from the SLC, 创新广场的基督教青年会是全新的, dynamic facility with ample weight room, cardio, and studio elements.

学生也可以利用戈根体育中心(GAC)在河校区, which houses the Bloch Fitness Center, the Speegle-Wilbraham Aquatic Center, and a variety of other fitness facilities. 学生使用GAC的设施不需要额外的费用.


This year, 伊士曼学生有三个方便的选择加入瑜伽课程放松, manage stress, and improve well-being:

  • Yoga at Eastman – 院长餐厅,学生生活中心
    • 伊士曼每周二和周四下午6点提供免费瑜伽课程. Yoga blocks are provided; just bring your own mat or purchase one for $5. 无需注册-只需走进并享受.
  • Yoga at the River Campus – 戈根体育中心的莱布纳·库珀室
    • 罗彻斯特大学每天在戈根运动中心提供免费瑜伽课程. Mats and props are included. 你可以从各种各样的课程风格中选择,比如流体式瑜伽或温和瑜伽. 要注册并查看完整的时间表,请访问 Goergen Athletic Center website.
    • Transportation: Take the free Red or Orange line school shuttles from Eastman to the Goergen Athletic Center (approximately a 25-minute ride). Find the shuttle schedule here. 所有全日制学生免费上课. 
  • Yoga at Innovation Square – 南克林顿大街100号创新广场的基督教青年会., Suite 250
    • Eastman students can get a discounted $35/month membership at the YMCA located at Innovation Square, just a 9-minute walk from campus. 这个会员资格使你可以参加各种每周的课程, including Yoga, HIIT, and Zumba, 还有健身设施和私人训练. 要加入基督教青年会,请携带学生证前往创新广场. For more details, visit the YMCA website.

Mental & Physical Health

Physical Therapy

PT services are available at both the UHS River Campus Office and the Eastman School of Music Office on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the school year. Services include one-on-one evaluations and treatment sessions with physical therapists experienced in the management of orthopedic conditions, 与表现相关的肌肉骨骼疾病, hypermobility, concussion, TMJ injuries and pain conditions. 我们的PTs提供对损伤性质的评估, manual therapies, modalities, postural and ergonomic assessments, 以及运动处方的恢复和预防伤害. 从伤病中恢复的过程, students learn self-care and performance enhancement strategies to reduce the risk of reinjury.

The UR Student Health Insurance Plan (Aetna) provides coverage for physical therapy with a $10 co-payment at the time of visit. 如果你的健康保险不包括这些费用,你将承担经济责任. 致电(585)275-2662向保健处预约.

Meet the Team

伊士曼学生健康小组由大学保健处健康促进处职员组成, UHS Primary Care and Physical Therapy, and Eastman Performing Arts Medicine. 此外,我们还有两名十大赌博正规老平台生助理,他们是目前伊士曼的十大赌博正规老平台生.

Amy McDonald, MS

Director, UHS Health Promotion Office

Sue Callan-Harris, MS, PT, CLT


Gaelen McCormick, MMUS


Jack Earnhart, BM
Prevention Coordinator

Jack is a Master’s of Arts degree student in the Music Education (Professional Studies) program. 他对音乐家的自适应技术特别感兴趣, orofacial performance physiology, and the completion of translational research to provide performers and pedagogues with novel data to enhance their teaching artistry. Earnhart is currently spearheading a series of collaborative studies to better understand facial muscle activation and exertion in brass instrument performance.

Zhilin Zhang
Program Assistant

Zhilin is a second-year Ph.D. 伊士曼音乐学院音乐教育专业学生. She serves as the Health Promotion Program Assistant for Eastman Performing Arts Medicine and UHS. With her expertise in music and education, 志霖致力于在伊士曼促进健康, 引导学生养成健康的习惯,以维持健康. Additionally, she is passionate about collecting health data and conducting wellness research to effectively enhance student wellness in a sustainable manner.