College Competencies

The College Competencies were developed to better map and coordinate the knowledge students gain and learn through their University of Rochester co-curricular experience and connect that learning to the philosophy embedded in our open curriculum. As a University we aim to help shape global citizens in an ever-changing environment that is increasingly being shaped by technology, globalization, and movements that emphasize equality and inclusivity. The College Competencies are a framework for students to tell their story and serve as leaders in our shared future.

Adaptability and Resiliency

Ability to demonstrate flexibility and readily adjust in response to change and innovation builds perseverance, which allows re-framing of problems and navigating community resources to overcome challenges. Through this process, students identify approaches, alternate paths or new opportunities to achieve desired results.

Career Design and Management

Ability to identify and understand interests, skills, strengths, knowledge, and experiences in order to tell one’s story. Through ongoing critical reflection, students explore career choices, build connections between competencies, and seek growth opportunities. Students are able to self-advocate and design opportunities while being cognizant of environmental and cultural contexts.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

An iterative, dynamic process through which students formulate questions, define problems, become aware of biases and assumptions of self and others, evaluate arguments from multiple, contradictory sources, and synthesize pertinent information. Through this process students can positively impact decision making to address needs in a real-world context.

Intercultural and Global Fluency

Through the development of skills, knowledge, and understanding, students demonstrate cultural humility, and both value and respect diverse and intersectional experiences, including variances in culture, race, gender, socioeconomic status, ability, religion, national origin and other markers of the human experience. Becoming aware of implicit bias and privilege develops the capacity to engage and communicate within different cultural contexts.


Through formal and informal positions, everyone can be a leader. Students leverage the strengths of community to reach common goals and use interpersonal skills for coaching and development. Through a process of learning and applying skills, students can accomplish measurable and meaningful change.

Oral and Written Communication

Communication grounds our interactions and connects us with others. Writing, reading, speaking, and listening help us make sense of the knowledge, ideas, and value of others so that we can discover and articulate new perspectives. Effective communication leads students to discover, develop, test, and share our ideas.


Mutually beneficial relationships complement individual work and are required for robust learning. By connecting with others, students test ideas, challenge assumptions, and navigate conflicts. Working together, students solve problems and drive innovation for the betterment of communities.

More Information

For questions or more information, please contact Anne-Marie Algier ( or Joseph Testani (

College Competencies Implementation Group

  • Co-chairs: Anne-Marie Algier (Office of the Dean of Students) and Joseph Testani (Greene Center)
  • Laura Ballou (Wilson Commons Student Activities)
  • Cathy Caiazza (Greene Center)
  • Emily Cihon Fehnel (College Dean’s Office)
  • Alan Czaplicki (College Dean’s Office)
  • Emma Derisi (Hajim Dean’s Office)
  • John DiSarro (Fraternity and Sorority Affairs)
  • Paul Farinelli (Wilson Commons Student Activities)
  • Justin Freeman (Greene Center)
  • Jennelle Hart (Wilson Commons Student Activities)
  • Kimberly Hoffman (River Campus Libraries)
  • Alvin Lomibao (Hajim Dean’s Office)
  • Brian Magee (Wilson Commons Student Activities)
  • Josephine Seddon (College Dean’s Office)
  • Nancy Specht (Registrar’s Office)
  • Sarah Van Munster (College Dean’s Office)
  • Daniel Watts (Residential Life)

Development Group

  • Co-chairs: Anne-Marie Algier (Office of the Dean of Students) and Joseph Testani (Greene Center)
  • Cathy Caiazza (Greene Center)
  • Lauren Caruso (Rochester Center for Community Leadership)
  • Glenn Cerosaletti (Rochester Center for Community Leadership)
  • Alan Czaplicki (College Dean's Office)
  • Emma Derisi (Hajim Dean's Office)
  • John DiSarro (Fraternity and Sorority Affairs)
  • Ed Feldman (Residential Life; Rochester Center for Community Leadership)
  • Stacey Fisher (Wilson Commons Student Activities)
  • Walisa Griffin (Office of Minority Student Affairs)
  • Jessica Guzman-Rea (Burgett Intercultural Center)
  • Stephon Hamell (Kearns Center)
  • Molly Jolliff (College Center for Advising Services) 
  • Marcy Kraus (College Center for Advising Services) 
  • Heidi Kozireski (Education Abroad)
  • Brian Magee (Wilson Commons Student Activities)
  • Ted Pagano (Education Abroad)
  • Deborah Rossen-Knill (Writing, Speaking and Argument Program)
  • Vicki Roth (Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning)
  • Josephine Seddon (College Dean's Office)
  • Kris Shanley (Athletics)
  • Dan Watts (Residential Life)
  • Jodyi Wren (Greene Center)
  • Denise Yarbrough (Interfaith Chapel)