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在我出国留学之前, the only time I had spent out of the country was in Montreal, 魁北克——离我的家乡只有四个小时的车程.  我认为自己是一个爱冒险的人, 所以,我还没有横渡大洋去体验一个陌生的土地和文化,这一事实真的开始困扰我了.  在我大二的春天, 我看到了一张由考古协会在加纳举办的西非遗产建筑数字考古项目的海报, 技术, 和历史建筑系.  因为我有兴趣辅修ath, 我认为这个项目很适合我.

It turned out that I was right - the program was an excellent fit for me.  While some students might reject the idea of learning during summer break, 我看到了以一种新的、令人兴奋的方式学习的机会.  该项目包括在加纳海岸15 -17世纪的城堡及其周围进行考古和民族志实地考察, as well as digital modelling and engineering analysis of said castles.  现在我在所有这些领域都没有任何经验, but the idea that I could learn them in a hands-on way was very appealing to me. 我没有失望.  从传统的考试和论文的课堂环境中解脱出来不仅是非常必要的, but an effective way of immersing myself in these new fields of study.

也许是最好的学习经历, 然而, 来自于让自己沉浸在这个国家和文化中.  体验一个陌生的地方,并开始了解和享受那个地方的习俗和传统,这确实是一件了不起的事情.  当我走过库马西的一个市场时, 穿越森林树冠,在空中行走160英尺, or attending a meeting with the chief of a small fishing village, 当你体验到一种全新的事物时,我总是感到兴奋.  此外,这里的食物也非常棒.  自从我回到美国,我就一直想弄到一些清汤.  我强烈鼓励任何想要体验新地方和新文化的人, 与海外教育办公室取得联系.  另外, 如果在夏天进行实地考察的想法听起来很吸引人的话, I recommend looking into summer field schools offered by the ATHS department.

——josh Narey, 2019年夏天,加纳

“The most impactful experiences come from outside of your daily routine. 虽然常识和安全永远是最重要的,但不应该害怕风险.”

年前, 当我第一次远离家乡旅行时, I promised myself I would always take the opportunity to do so again. When my Russian professors came to our class with the suggestion of a summer abroad, 我立刻就感兴趣了. Without financial aid, 然而, I wasn’t confident my excitement was realistic. 我得到的经济援助使我能够出国留学,否则这是不可能的. 如果学生们对自己支付旅行的经济能力感到怀疑,我鼓励他们伸出援手.

对于那些出国留学的人,我最真诚的建议是尽可能地让自己沉浸在文化中. By this, I don’t mean simply going to class or tourist sites. The most impactful experiences come from outside of your daily routine. 虽然常识和安全永远是最重要的,但不应该害怕风险. 这是学习语言的一部分, 或者文化的另一个方面, 是互动中的不舒服和恐惧吗. Naturally, there are moments of confusion or misunderstanding in this exchange. 然而,总有一些东西也会被接受. There were moments of clarity when I finally utilized a grammar rule properly, or when I noticed a cultural difference I had never known about before. 两种文化都学会了嘲笑对方的错误, 在旅途中,差异的障碍只会减少.

It is inevitable that you will become closer with those you travel with. Travel-mates become lifelong friends, and experiences exclusive to the journey are shared. 你带着一串内部笑话离开, 从你不太喜欢的食物, 在去上课的路上坐错地铁. The change is jarring at first, but you learn to navigate the local streets. 你变成了一种“临时本地人”. On the plane back, part of me was ready to binge on cheese and grease. The other part wasn’t prepared to leave, and was instead planning the next trip. My final suggestion is this: fill yourself with stories until you are exhausted, 然后再做一些.

——nadezdha Huges,圣彼得堡,俄罗斯,2019年夏季


Very well-known are the benefits of any study abroad experience. 学习或完善一门新语言, 融入不同的文化, 学习一种新的生活方式:这些都是留学经历的标志性卖点. Al虽然 each of these are true, I want to sell you on another facet of an experience abroad. 我想向你推销的是一个非常强大的好处,但它只不过是你在国外的时间价值. 

学校里的日常生活总是忙忙碌碌的, we frequently forget to sit and talk to the voice that accompanies us everywhere. 努力填满一天的每一分钟, we find it dangerously easy to occupy just about every waking moment. 然而,作为伟大的13th century Persian poet Rumi so succinctly and astutely put it, “Listen to silence. 它有很多话要说。”.

在我巴黎的夏天之后, 法国为联合国教育工作, 科学及文化组织,简称教科文组织, 正如首字母缩略词所说,我开始相信,生活中最伟大的课程和最深刻的思想都是在沉默中产生的. 除了这个夏天我能做的鼓舞人心的工作和沉浸在法国文化中的美妙经历之外, what I was offered in abundance during this experience was nothing more than a calmness. 这种平静让我有空间去反思对我来说最重要的是什么,让我更了解自己. Surely in saying that calmness was the most valuable thing to come from this experience, 我可能已经受到了一些反对. After all, an education abroad experience is no cheap order. 你为什么要出国寻找平静? Why can’t you just go to a campus meditation session or a yoga class, 或者只是静静地坐在你的房间里,不受打扰? Frankly, surely you could do one of these and you would be saving quite a penny. 然而, 我想证明的是留学经历的独特之处,让你有一种特殊的冷静. 

当你置身于一个完全新鲜的环境中时,你的大脑的运作方式与你在已知的常规环境中发现自己时不同. 沉浸在另一种文化中, 定位在没有朋友的开始, and occasionally speaking in a language other than your native tongue, 我的大脑简化了我周围的一切. 因为有太多的未知, 出于某种原因, 我觉得我的大脑的自然反应是平息它不断的嗡嗡声,把精力集中在最重要的事情上. Among the cacophony around me, my brain found peace in silent observation. Amidst the common reaction of trepidation with the unknown, 我的大脑在最细微的事物中发现了惊奇和敬畏. 伴随这种惊奇和敬畏而来的是一种我无法完全描述的平静和安宁. 和, 这让我的思路变得清晰,并带来了我永远不会忘记的自我发现的经历.

在证明我自己的经验, I wholeheartedly encourage others to pursue a similar education abroad course. 我真的相信,走出校园的传统教育环境,进入一个新的发现机会,是非常有价值的. 你是否有过我所经历的平静和理解的经历,这是不确定的,但我希望能激励你勇敢地走出自己的舒适区,看看当你在那里的时候,你的思想会把你带到哪里.


"Ever since I was old enough to know what study abroad was, I knew I wanted to do it".

“花几个月(甚至一年)的时间!),基本上在任何你想去的国家? 谁能拒绝呢?? 起初, 要缩小我想去的地方的范围是不可能的——我最初划掉的唯一项目是那些我没有达到先决条件的项目! When I really 虽然t about what I wanted from my study abroad experience, 虽然, 这就容易多了. 我辅修西班牙语,非常喜欢这门语言——总有一天能说一口流利的西班牙语是我的目标. The more I 虽然t about it, the more I knew I had to go to a Spanish-speaking country. 我知道我想去拉丁美洲而不是西班牙, because it seemed more adventurous to me; I am lucky enough to have lived in Europe already, 所以我想尝试一些全新的、不同的东西. To be honest, I don't know why I chose Buenos Aires specifically. 在来这里之前,我对阿根廷知之甚少, but 出于某种原因 I was drawn to it (and I'm so glad I was!).

Studying abroad was easily the best decision I could have made to improve my Spanish. I'm constantly interacting with native speakers in my homestay, school, and daily life. 我学会了这么多的新词汇和习语,只是因为我经常听和使用它们. I'm sure that I could have eventually learned them all from a textbook, 但我第一天上班就学会了. 我也学过很多单词,如果不知道和理解它们背后的文化背景,它们基本上是没有意义的.

I'm also taking a Spanish grammar class for the first time since high school. 在大学, 一旦你达到一定的水平, you just start taking literature or other content-area courses. 大学里有很多很棒的课程,但我是个语法迷,错过了我的变化! 在来这里之前, 我觉得我有点陷入了语法的窠臼——我知道所有的时态和许多其他的概念, 但我不知道如何进步. 在这里, 我觉得我正在把自己推向新的极限——我们每周花四个小时复习和练习复杂的题目. 我学了很多东西!

There are so many intangible benefits of living in a Spanish-speaking country, as well. 我学西班牙语已经八年了, and living here successfully really makes me feel like it's paying off. It is also definitely encouraging me to keep studying; every day I realize I still have much to learn! 我也注意到自己在说话时变得更加自信——现在当我不得不说些什么的时候,我很少紧张, and I'm way more comfortable trying trickier sentence structures in conversation.

If you're considering studying a language at UR, I can't recommend study abroad enough. 尽早并经常上语言课, and remember that it's never too early to start thinking about going abroad!"



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