
To assist in your move out and ensure limited damage billing read and follow all specific instructions that you receive from your area office and attend any RA floor meetings or informational sessions.


Typically beginning at 8 p.m. on the last day of classes, the halls transition into 24 hour quiet hours through finals week to ensure sleep and study are respected during this time.

When do I need to leave?

All students must vacate their rooms within 48 hours of their last final exams. While professors and syllabi may announce these dates later, the registrar typically posts them a few months in advance for all classes. In order to stay past that time, students must register through their area office for extended stay.

Typically students are only granted extended stay for campus employment, students staying into summer housing, 毕业生, or international travel restrictions (i.e. students who have limited airline options due to the country they are traveling to and limited flights). Students and 家庭 should plan accordingly 为ir departure.

No student can say past noon on the day following commencement without a completed summer housing contract.


记住,这 你有责任condition of your entire room不只是你那一半. The condition of your room is based on any edits you made to your 房间条件 Form upon your check in. Please communicate with your roommate if you have concerns.

Individual charges are a result of damages or excessive cleaning that needs to be done to your room once you leave. Your room should be broom swept clean, no personal belongings left, all furniture the room came with intact, and no damage to avoid individual charges.

In addition to individual charges, you may be responsible for community damage charges, which are a result of damages, 破坏公物, or excessive cleaning 为 common areas of your floor and/or building.

For more information on damage billing see the 损坏计费页面.

In order to avoid charges, don't forget the following:

  • Remove all personal belongings from your room
  • If you have a microfridge rental, the vendor should notify you when they will be on campus; these MUST be removed from the room BEFORE you check out
  • Remove all tape/fun tack/stickers from walls, 天花板, and doors; all decorations and hooks must be removed before you check out
  • All furniture must be in the room, assembled, and upright
  • Clean/sweep your room and remove all trash to the trash rooms and recycle or donate those items appropriately; do not leave items in lounges as “free”
  • Call facilities to submit all work orders (i.e. lights not working, drawers sticking, blinds sticking, etc.) needed in your room as soon as possible—this will help us with turnover to summer housing

Once you are ready to check out, you must stop by your area office to check out and return your key as instructed. Note returning a key to a different area office or not as instructed by your area office may result in an improper check out charge.


There are donation programs that run during closing such as clothing donation, 食物捐赠, Dump and Run donation (supported by the GRASSROOTS organization and the sustainability office).

DO NOT leave any “free” items in the lounges and ensure anything you are discarding is in the dumpsters and trash rooms. See your RA for specific details about programs occurring this year.