
If you are working as a paid student employee, then you have the same obligations as any other University employee under the academic honesty policy. You must follow all of the guidelines listed on the 工作人员页面 whenever you are acting in your role as an employee.

Student employees in academic roles also need to review the relevant sections below for 助教 and tutors.


除了遵循 员工的指导方针, your work as a tutor also requires that you:

  • Tutor students in ways that cause the students to create their own work; you should not create content for students.
    • 例如, if a student is struggling with an assigned problem, ask the student questions that will help the student understand how to tackle the problem, rather than directly showing the student how to solve the problem.
  • Do not share material from your own coursework with the students you tutor. 而不是, you should work with the materials that their instructors have given them.*

*This will prevent any blurring of your roles as tutor and student, particularly since the academic honesty policy prohibits you from sharing instructor-produced course materials with anyone not enrolled in the same course at the same time.


除了遵循 guidelines outlined on the 工作人员页面, 助教, 车间领导, and other course staff must monitor student work for academic dishonesty and report all suspected academic dishonesty to the course instructor.

In order to know what counts as academic honesty violation, you must learn both the rules set by the 艺术、科学和工程(AS&E)学术诚信政策 and the course-specific rules set by the course instructor.

You should also review the policy requirements for instructors so you can differentiate your own role from that of the instructor. Important information from the requirements is highlighted below.


  • Include an academic honesty statement on the syllabus or course website and call attention to the course-specific information in class during the first two weeks of the course.
  • Have all students copy and sign this honor pledge on all examinations: “I affirm that I will not give or receive any unauthorized help on this exam, 所有的工作都是我自己的.”
  • Report all suspected academic honesty violations to the Board on 学术诚实 and treat cases confidentially.
  • Model integrity in their own practices and educate students about disciplinary standards.


  • Report suspected academic honesty policy violations to the course instructor.
  • Provide documentation of suspected academic honesty violation to the course instructor.
  • Treat suspected violations confidentially (only discuss with the course instructor and academic honesty staff).


  • 教育学生学术诚信.
  • 监考考试(参见 天天p准则).
  • 完成其他与教学相关的任务.


  • Meet with students about suspected academic honesty violations.
  • Submit academic honesty cases to the Board on 学术诚实.
  • Use any process other than the Board on 学术诚实 process for suspected violations.

*If your instructor is insisting on any of these things, please contact the 学术诚信联络.


  • 在AS中,意图并不重要&E政策. 学生 are responsible when they violate the policy even if they didn’t know they were violating the rules at the time.
  • That they should not solve problems for students. 而不是, TAs should ask questions that will cause the students to work through the steps of solving a problem on their own.
  • The academic honesty rules set by their instructor 之前 测试:测试或其他评估.
  • 学生 experience distress around academic honesty cases; don’t hesitate to file a 医疗报告,联络 学术诚信联络, or, if the student is in danger of self-harm, call 公共安全.
  • Academic honesty violations are not directed at the teaching staff of a course; they are typically a symptom of something else going wrong for the student.

Teaching assistants should report to the instructor:

  • 考试作弊
  • 学生 who fake excuses to gain academic advantage
  • 团队工作不端行为
  • 剽窃 (missing, incorrect, and/or fake citations)
  • 部分或全部相同的作品
  • 跑题的工作
  • Work that changes style/ability level internally
  • Work that is substantively different from previous work by student

Types of academic honesty policy violations:

  • Receiving, using, or having access to unauthorized aid
  • 给予未经授权的援助
  • 剽窃
  • 小组项目中的不当行为
  • 捏造和伪造
  • Denying others access to information or material
  • Unauthorized recording, distribution, or publication of course‐related materials
  • 滥用学生的用户名和密码
  • Impeding the investigation or conduct of any Board on 学术诚实 matter