
Designing and implementing resource-intensive and high-impact pedagogies requires substantial resources, 包括:

  • 教职员工用于教学设计和开发的时间
  • 购买或开发新的设备和教学材料
  • 教学和评估活动的人员配备

教学创新补助金(TIG)为AS提供所需的资金&E院系和学术部门设计, implement and assess high-impact and resource-intensive pedagogies in undergraduate courses.



  1. It must entail the development and 试点实施 by a full- or part-time faculty member of either a new course or substantial changes to the content of or instructional approaches used in an existing course. 无论哪种情况, a substantial portion of the students projected to enroll in the course must be undergraduates in 艺术,科学 & 工程(如&E). 因此,涉及非AS学校开设的课程的项目&E是合格的,涉及as的项目也是&E graduate courses, as long as a substantial portion of enrollees in those courses will be AS&E本科生.
  2. The funds requested must be for the purpose of supporting high-impact practices, 比如经验, 具体问题具体分析, 基于项目的, 同伴主导或社区参与的学习, 或基于课程的本科十大赌博正规老平台或奖学金. A non-exhaustive list of practices we would consider high-impact can be found on AACU的高影响力实践页面.
  3. The project must include (and request funds to support) 试点实施 和评估 of the new course or new instructional approaches during two successive offerings of the course. 这两门课程不需要在连续的学期中进行. 例如, 许多课程是隔学年开设的, and in such a case the two semesters during which the course will be piloted and assessed will be separated by a full academic year.
  4. The innovations the project plans develop and implement must require resources greater than those already available for development and 实现 of new courses within the budget of the academic department offering the course. 因此, development and 实现 of the proposed innovations should require more funding than is typically allotted by a department to new or existing courses.
  5. The activities and expenses for which the project requests support must not be eligible for funding through other AS&E programs that support educational activities and innovations—such as the Discover Grant or the Community-Engaged Learning Course Operations Grants.

这些赠款可用于资助开发所需的费用, 部署, 以及对新课程的评估. 这包括下列资金:

  • 购买所需设备或课程材料
  • Compensating for teaching assistants or other student employees to assist with all aspects of course development, 实现, 和评估
  • Offsetting faculty time devoted to course development or 实现 that would otherwise be used for teaching other courses
  • 支付学生参加课程的任何费用(例如.g. 参加海外活动课程的差旅费)

TIG awards may not be used for supplemental salary or summer salary for faculty.

Proposals must include a proposed budget that reflects the needs of developing the course and then implementing and assessing it during two successive course offerings. 奖金最高可达5美元,000美元,以支持两个连续产品中的第一个, 最多2美元,500美元来支持第二次发行. In no case will the program fund expenses associated with the 实现 of a project after its two-semester 试点实施. 该计划旨在仅支持开发, 试点实施, 以及创新的评估.

在获奖的情况下, funds to support the first of the two course offerings do not become available until July 1 during the summer immediately following the academic year in which the award decision is made. 例如, 在22-23学年期间提交并批准的提案, 支持首次试点发行的资金将于7月1日开始提供, 2023


2023年的最后期限是11月30日.  提案应包括:

  • The name of at least one full- or part-time member of the faculty who will serve as project leader—taking primary responsibility for implementing the project
  • A description of the new course or new instructional approach to be developed and deployed, including a description of the high-impact or resource-intensive practices to be developed and implemented
  • A description of the activities to be undertaken to develop the course and implement the pilot offerings of the course
  • 指定开发活动何时发生的时间轴, and specifies the two semesters during which the innovations developed will be piloted
  • A budget that specifies the total amount requested and estimates the amounts to be spent on each eligible expense
  • A plan for how the innovations will be sustained after the two course offerings funded by the grant, including the projected annual costs of sustaining the course in semesters beyond the two-semester 试点实施, 以及确保支付这些费用所需资金的计划
  • Letters of support from the chairs or directors of the academic departments or programs that will offer the course, and from the chairs or directors of academic departments where any faculty involved in the project have their primary appointments

建议应通过 AS&E课程发展资助门户. Applicants should note that the Teaching Innovation Grant is one of four course development grants offered by AS&E, all of which have a common deadline and accept applications through the AS&E课程发展资助门户. 申请人可浏览 AS&E课程发展资助页面 了解其他课程发展资助.


In addition to following through with project plans as described in the proposal and spending disbursed funds according to the terms of the award, 所有项目负责人必须:

  • 与AS合作&E’s director of educational effectiveness to plan and implement an assessment of the TIG project
  • 参加一个基于群体的课程开发研讨会, 由教学中心的教学发展人员协助, which will typically take place during the spring and summer after the award is made

有关教学创新基金的问题,请联系Rachel Remmel 瑞秋.remmel@bomabearing.com.