
设计一门课程可以涵盖许多不同的活动, ranging from the development of a totally new course to adapting elements of an existing course in response to advances in disciplinary 知道ledge. 作为第一步,重要的是要考虑大局问题:

  • 观众: 课程等级是什么? Is it intended to introduce students to the discipline (or to one aspect of it)? 或者目标是为更高级的学生增加知识和技能?
  • 部门和学科契合度: 这门课程如何与系里的其他课程衔接? 它是否自然地与其他课程相衔接? 这门课是主修、辅修还是辅修系的必修课?
  • 课程内容: What are the key themes that 你 want 你r students to underst和 和 be able to apply by the end of the course? 此外,你希望他们获得什么技能? 这些应该从一开始就明确说明.
  • 教室/教程/复习课/实验室活动: 什么样的任务最能帮助你的学生学习这些内容? 例如:传统的粉笔授课, 小组的演讲, 即兴小测验, 电影, 客座讲师, 或者实地考察? 有 许多的选择 将传统的讲座作为一种学习活动.
  • 牢记易用性: Have 你 taken care to ensure 你r class website 和 instructional materials are 方便学生使用 有听力或视力障碍的人(如.g.,封闭字幕,使用 网站验证器等等)。? Did 你 select textbooks 和 articles available in formats for 使用 with screen-reading software? It is tremendously important to be proactive; plan in advance for the lead-time required for obtaining videos with high-quality captions.

A good way of thinking about course 设计 is to consider John Biggs' notion of 建设性的对齐. Biggs recognized that teaching is not just about what happens in the classroom, but is also driven by the intended outcomes of the course 和 by the planned assessment tasks.

本质上, 课程的三个要素都是结果, 课堂教学活动, 而评估任务则与其他两者密不可分, 不能孤立地进行. 因此, 当你写你的结果时, 你 also need to consider simultaneously 如何 你 are going to teach toward them, 以及你将如何评估他们.


Outcomes, sometimes referred to as objectives, are essentially what 你 want 你r students to 知道能够做某事 在课程结束时. 就像生活中的任何事情一样, it is a good idea to 开始 with the more fundamental outcomes that 你 want achieved before moving on to more complex tasks. Bloom's Taxonomy is often the tool 使用d by faculty to develop their course outcomes. 下表总结了这种分类法.

知识:需要基本记忆的数据回忆结果定义, describe, identify, label, list, match, name, recognize, re生产, state
理解: 用自己的话表达理解和/或重述问题.理解, 转换, 区分, 估计, 解释, 捍卫, 解释, 推断出, 释义, 总结, 翻译
应用程序: 在不同的上下文/情况下使用一个概念应用, 改变, 计算, 构造, 演示, 操作, 操作, 预测, 生产, 联系, 显示, 解决, 使用
分析把某事分解成各个组成部分以便理解它分析, 分解, 比较, 对比, 区分, 解构, 区分, 说明, 推断出, 大纲, 联系, select, 单独的
合成: Pulling together a structure from diverse elements in order to 创建 a new underst和ing分类, 结合, 编译, 组成, 创建, 设计, 设计, 生成, 修改, 组织, 重新排列, 重建, 修改, 重写
评价根据所学知识做出判断Appraise, conclude, critique, 捍卫, discriminate, evaluate, 解释, justify

让你们对它的样子有个概念, 下面是一组(虚构的)课程的结果 跨国问题:难民和国内流离失所者(IDPs).


  • 定义 “难民”和“国内流离失所者”这两个词[知识]
  • 定义 “跨国问题”一词[知识]
  • 描述 the difference between a refugee 和 an internally displaced person [知识]
  • 总结 the key elements of the United Nations Charter on Refugees 和 Internally Displaced People [Comprehension]
  • 演示 the gaps in both the UN Charter 和 other international conventions on refugees 和 internally displaced people [Application]
  • 比较与对比 联合国对发达国家难民和国内流离失所者危机的反应, 石油资源丰富的地区与欠发达的第三世界国家[分析]
  • 联系 对现实主义理论的回应[分析]
  • 批判(或辩护)和重构 the UN Charter in terms of emerging 和 current global concerns such as food 和 health (in)security [Synthesis 和 评价]

如你所见, the course learning outcomes clearly state the 知道ledge 和 skills students will develop in the course.

结果/目标通常很难清晰地表达 知道 what 你 want the students to 知道 和 能够做某事 by the end of the course—but actually putting it into words can be tricky. 这需要练习. 请随意 安排约会 如果你想谈谈写作成果.


诱惑往往是 开始 你的课程计划,包括课程中要涵盖的主题列表. The end result is invariably a course plan that is rather like a table of contents in a textbook—that is, 最后你会得到一个列表, 而不是计划. So it is generally more effective—和 easier—to start listing 你r topics 和mes after 你 have 你r outcomes in place. 一旦你确定了主题, 你可以开始填写副标题了, 构成更广泛主题的元素.

当你把主题和子主题放在适当的位置, 你 need to consider the teaching 和 learning activities that 你 will be using in the classroom to teach them. 换句话说,你需要确定 如何 你 will teach each section to the class 和 what methods would encourage learning 和 underst和ing. 可能的技术包括:

  • 示威活动
  • 小测验
  • Think-pair-share
  • 课堂讨论
  • 概念图
  • 角色扮演
  • 辩论
  • 游戏

我们很乐意和你聊聊每一个的细节, 以及可以使用的教学方法.

这些方法中的任何一种都可以与传统的讲座结合使用. Their aim is to get the students actively engaged in the content of what is being taught, 而不是简单地被动接受知识.

在一般情况下, students can h和le about twenty minutes of a lecture before their attention 开始s to wane 和 你 lose them. Introducing a technique like one of those above can help to maintain students' attention for the entire period.


It is important that 你 draft these at the same time as 你 write 你r outcomes to ensure alignment between what 你 said 你 wanted the students to 知道 和 能够做某事, 以及你对他们的评价. 有一个有意义的区别 造型的总结性 您为课程制定的评估任务:

形成性评价 generally refers to the assignments 和 tasks that 你 set for students during the semester, 比如散文, 类项目, 实验室报告, 等等....... 形成性评价s always provide feedback to students alongside their grade. This feedback is an important learning opportunity for students beca使用 it provides them with information about what they did well, 他们哪里出错了(为什么), 以及他们应该做什么. 因此, 造型的 assessment tasks give students the opportunity to make mistakes 和 learn from them before the more high-stakes 总结性 assessment.

总结性评估相比之下,它在本质上更具有累积性. It is essentially a judgment of students' competence by the end of a semester or course. 它通常, 尽管并非总是如此, 采取考试的形式, 和re are rarely any opportunities to provide students with feedback on their performance.

这取决于你的课程内容, 你 can 使用 a wide range of different types of assessment to evaluate student learning. It is also important to 解释 what 你r expectations are regarding each assignment, 并提供和解开他们将被评估的标准.


  • 论文
  • 问题集
  • 报告
  • 检查等价物
  • 选择题类型
  • 案例十大赌博正规老平台
  • 项目(小组、结对或个人)
  • 演讲
  • 海报
  • 反思练习(比如写日记)
  • 投资组合


Technology, including 黑板上, can be 使用d effectively to advance 你r students' learning. 我们鼓励您与 黑板支持人员 to explore the ways that 黑板上 may help meet 你r technology goals for 你r class. We would also be happy to work with 你 on maximizing the effectiveness of these tools for 你r classroom practice.

For more information about educational technology available at Rochester, see the 技术部分 在教学指导概述页面.